• Ask the Gardener

    When we developed our very first website many years ago, we created the Ask the Gardener' forum. It provided our viewers the ability to send in their gardening questions which we research and reply. We've saved all those wonderful questions and answers and created a sizeable knowledge base for all of you.
  • Plant Reference

    We've been putting together a list of our favorite plants, shrubs and trees. It's far from being an all encompasing plant list, but it highlights plantings we're used very successfully in our gardens over the years.
    The list can be sorted by plant type, perenials, shrubs and trees. Or you can just scroll on through it to see if anything jumps out at you.
  • Monthly Tips

    Eventhough individual landscapes have unique personalities and needs, there are general things that can be done every month for every garden. Our owner Geri developed this monthly tips to help her clients gets the most of their gardens. If you are on a scheduled maintenance plan with Churchill Gardens, we will perform all this for you.